Citizenship Award

The foundation was able to award the Staatsbürgerlicher Preis for contributions to the debate on terrorism and violence, endowed with 10,000 DM, for the first time in 1993 from private donations.

The prize was awarded on 27. August 1993 to the "Goldstone-Commission", represented by Judge Dr. h.c. Richard Goldstone. The award ceremony took place at the residence of the German Ambassador, Dr Christian Überschär, in Pretoria. The Embassy thus assumed a not inconsiderable part of the costs associated with a dignified award ceremony. The laudation was held by Federal Minister Spranger. He paid tribute to the courageous action of the Goldstone Commission, named after its chairman, which was also made up of the lawyers D.J. Roussouw and M.N.S. Sithole, also acting with judicial independence, as well as L.G. Baqua and G. Steyn. The Goldstone Commission contributed much to the success of the fundamental reform process in South Africa after the abolition of the apartheid system with its investigations into the possibilities of preventing public violence and intimidation by all sides. Commenting on the Annette Barthelt Foundation's aim to provide assistance to the victims and survivors of terrorist attacks, Federal Minister Spranger said: "This is a purpose of the foundation which, especially at a time when there is often more sympathy for the perpetrators and the suffering of the innocent victims is completely forgotten, meets with deep sympathy from me as a citizen, as a lawyer and as a responsible politician. I would therefore be pleased if the Goldstone Commission would also devote more attention to this area in the future.

Award ceremony at the German Embassy in Pretoria (from left to right) Dr Barthelt, Judge Goldstone, Federal Minister Spranger.

On 16. January 1997, the Citizenship Award was granted for the second time. At the suggestion of the Board, the Civic Advisory Board of the Annette Barthelt Foundation agreed to award the "Treatment Centre for Torture Victims" at the Westend Clinic, Berlin. The award ceremony took place at the Schleswig-Holstein State Representation in Bonn. The laudatory speech was held by the then member of the German Bundestag, the current Lord Mayor of the City of Kiel, Mr Norbert Gansel, after he had personally seen the highly qualified and committed work of the treatment centre during a visit. The Treatment Centre for Torture Victims was created in 1990 by Dr. Christian Pross together with several colleagues. It has since provided physical and psychological help to hundreds of torture victims. It is supported by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth due to budget cuts, which are currently decreasing, and by private donors, including the Alfred Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation, Jan Philipp Reemtsma and others. Norbert Gansel said in his appreciation: "Today's award will also be a financial help, but it is above all a moral support for the treatment centre and a recognition for all the staff who help to alleviate the suffering of those who have been tortured and in doing so will probably never be able to escape the subsequent compassion that weighs heavier than the pity of us unsuspecting people". The award ceremony and the coverage of it had the welcome consequence for the treatment centre that some donors increased their contributions.

On 9. December 1999, the Citizenship Award was granted to two laureates. The laudatory speech was given by Hans Koschnik. One prize went to the Cologne gynaecologist Dr. Monika Hauser of "Medica mondiale e.V." This association has been working for traumatised women and girls in war and crisis areas since 1993. Dr Monika Hauser founded the association. Since 1994, she has received various honours, including the "Woman of the Year" award from the German Association of Women Citizens. Another award went to Ms Behjad Moaali of the "Association Refugio Kiel". The association was founded in 1997 (but has since been dissolved) because Schleswig-Holstein lacked a contact point for victims of torture and politically motivated violence. The project plans are based on experience and expert advice from treatment centres in other federal states. Ms Moaali coordinates the work of the treatment centre.

On 12. December 2003, the Citizenship Award was granted to the journalist Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, who has been dealing with the phenomenon of terrorism for a long time. As editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung for the topics Middle East, Africa and secret services, the laureate has gained experience on the ground. The Bavarian Minister of the Interior, Dr Günther Beckstein, gave the laudatory speech.

Award ceremony 2003 at the Presse-Club Bonn. Dr. Udo Ulfkotte and Dr. Günther Beckstein.

On 26 September 2007, the Citizenship Award of the Annette Barthelt Foundation was granted to the Bergisch-Gladbach association "Building Bridges" at the Godesburg in Bonn. The spokesperson, Ms Christiane Bertram, gratefully accepted the certificate and award (6000 €). The members of "Building Bridges" have shown staying power in their efforts to create a balance between different and potentially terror-prone starting positions in war-torn former Yugoslavia. The "Building Bridges" association financed and organised aid transports, accommodation and practical life support for about 2000 uprooted adults. In recent years, it has been particularly successful in promoting youth projects across the borders of the parties in conflict.

Award ceremony Citizenship Award 2007 at the Godesburg in Bonn to the Bergisch-Gladbach association "Brücken bauen" (from left to right Prof. Dr Wolf-Christian Dullo, Ms Christiane Bertram, Dr Rainer Barthelt).

The Berlin-based association "placet e.V". has been awarded the 2012 Civic Prize of the Annette Barthelt Foundation e.V. With this award, the Foundation honours placet e.V.'s commitment to destitute victims of terror. Foundation Chairman Professor Dr. Wolf-Christian Dullo explained the choice in his letter to placet e.V.: "The Annette Barthelt Foundation would like to honour your very impressive commitment by helping destitute victims of terror to live in dignity and independently again with the 2012 award ceremony at GEOMAR in Kiel. This self-sacrificing and deeply humane act has moved us all, and we are convinced to have found a worthy laureate in your institution." The Berlin-based association placet e.V. has been helping disfigured and mutilated victims of terror, war, torture or ethnic persecution for ten years. These mostly helpless people - especially children - are brought to Germany where they are operated on by a team of plastic surgeons, often for months, free of charge. The aim is for the treated people to return to their home country, where they can lead an independent, self-determined and dignified life. Plastic surgeon Professor Dr. Frank Werner Peter, one of the co-founders of placet e.V., was delighted to receive the civic award from the Annette Bartheld Foundation: "This is wonderful news. We are very proud that our organisation, of all organisations, was selected. The prize money of 5,000 euros will enable us to help more people." In the past years, placet e.V has operated on and treated dozens of children, adolescents and young adults from a wide range of countries. All employees of placet e.V. work free of charge.


Award ceremony 2012 at GEOMAR in Kiel. Prof. Dr. Frank W. Peter (placet e.V.) with Prof. Dr. Wolf-Christian Dullo.

5 Jahre nach der letzten Verleihung des staatsbürgerlichen Preises wurde diese Auszeichnung 2017 erneut vergeben. Den Preis erhielt das "Institut für Sicherheitspolitik an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel" für das Projekt „Jahrbuch Terrorismus“. Seit 2006 ist es in sechs Bänden publiziert worden, das Jahrbuch Terrorismus 2017/2018 ist aktuell die letzte Ausgabe. „Das Jahrbuch leistet einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Erforschung des Terrorismus und ermöglicht so eine faktenbasierte Auseinandersetzung mit dem Phänomen“, erläuterte Professor Dullo die Entscheidung. Prof. Dr. Joachim Krause nahmen Preis stellvertretend für das Institut entgegen.

5 years after the last award of the citizenship award, this honour was awarded again in 2017. The prize was granted to the "Institute for Security Policy at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel" for the project "Yearbook on Terrorism". Since 2006, it has been published in six volumes; the Yearbook Terrorism 2017/2018 is currently the last edition. "The yearbook makes a decisive contribution to the study of terrorism and thus enables a fact-based examination of the phenomenon," Professor Dullo explained the decision. Prof. Dr Joachim Krause accepted the prize on behalf of the Institute.

Joint presentation of the Science Award and the Citizenship Award 2017 at GEOMARin Kiel with all award winners. Dr. Ricarda Pietsch (AWI, far left) and Dr. Damian Areválo-Martínez (GEOMAR, 3rd from right) received the marine science prizes from the Annette Barthelt Foundation. Prof. Dr. Joachim Krause (3rd from left) accepted the Citizenship Award for the Institute for Security Policy at CAU. Kiel's former Lord Mayor Norbert Gansel (2nd from left), the Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Annette Barthelt Foundation Prof. Dr. Heide Schulz-Vogt and the former Chair of the Foundation Prof. Dr. Wolf-Christian Dullo (right) congratulated.